
I finally made something! Well, I finally had time to make something. And it was pasta. Fresh pasta. 

I made the dough last night (at 10pm) and followed the recipe according to the Joy of Cooking book. I made the classic “well” with the flour and eggs in the middle. The book gives an option of one teaspoon of EVOO and I added it just because I saw it done in many videos on YouTube. 

(I admit I was nervous about making the pasta so I researched immensely) 

My goal was to knead the dough for 15 minutes but then I found my self dying by the time I reached 5. So I decided to change it to 10 minutes. I thought it looked pretty good and it felt soft so I put it in the fridge over night. 

I could hardly sleep from all the excitement.

The next morning, after letting the dough  rest at room temperature, I began rolling it out with a rolling pin. I figured it couldn’t be that bad. 

Trust me when I say this, it was bad. 

Shortly after I purchased a pasta machine on and picked it up when I got the email. 

Life became much simpler after that. 

I had to look up how long to cook the pasta and it said 1-3 minutes so I went to 3 just to be safe. I ended up using a sauce we had but overall making the pasta was kind of a work out but it was really good! I will DEFINITELY make it again. 

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